We have your favorite perfume

When you are thinking about buying a special aromatic solution with a magical smell, you will be very confused immediately when you see the types of aromatic solutions in our store, but whichever solution you choose, be confident that you have made a good choice because of the many features in our solutions, we will mention to you an important point to know, which is the concentration of essential oils that are present in the special perfume composition.if the percentage of essential oils is high, the smell is strong and lasts longer.

How to choose your favorite perfume

There are people who like perfumes with a strong smell that lasts for a long time, and there are those who prefer quiet perfumes with little concentration relative to the rest of the perfumes.

Choosing a favorite type of perfume because each perfume has a special and different composition, there is a type whose composition is based on natural roses and flowers such as cloves and oranges, which is a favorite among women, and the composition of the second type is citrus, whichh is a favorite among the majority, and the third type is a composition of cinnamon, vanilla and anise.

Vanilla is the most widespread fragrance in stores, and we come to the fourth type, which Is composed of bergamot, algae and patchouli, whichh are Woody perfumes.

Determine the time at which the fragrance Is used. There are types of perfumes that are used at specific times, there are perfumes that are used during the day and there are perfumes that are used at night.

Consult friends when choosing a type of perfume, and this is after determining the previous criteria, where a person begins to inhale the smell of perfume before the purchase is made, and here a person can consult friends and some people who are in the place to take their opinions.

Not to put any body creams or perfumes because the smells mix together and here it is difficult to choose a specific type becausee the smell changes.

We will get to know the difference between fragrance stability and fragrance fragrance

Fragrance fastness

It Is the length of time that the smell of perfume remains distinguishable or smelled on clothes or skin, and the persistence of the fragrance may reach for more than five or six hours, but only those who are close to you can Inhale the fragrance.

The scent of perfume

It Is the distance through which the smell of perfume reaches your nose, for example, there are very fragrant perfumes that may fill the room where you are sitting, and sometimes others can smell your perfume at a distance of three meters, for example, and there is less, and this is due to the experiencee.

Finally, we have Informed you about the best way to choose a fragrance and the difference between the stability of the fragrance and its aroma.

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